Friday, December 2, 2011


This piece of writing, can be summarized as being about how nothing is considered to be more sacred, than one's own mind. Emerson also noted, that if people would absolve themselves, then they would be able to conquer the whole world.
Emerson also noted, that no law could be sacred to one, but to their own nature. Emerson felt that, an man should carry himself to all oppositions. Emerson was an believer that the virtues are the exception, rather than the rule. He believed also that there is only the man and his virtues. Emerson believed it was better to be an poor, hard-worker, than that which is glittery and full of speculate.
One connection, that I had to this writing, is that it made me think of Thoreau. This had been due to the fact, that both writers served an huge importance during the Romantic Era. They both seemed to question mankind, and the importance of mankind being good in accordance to society.
One question that I had about the reading, is "I wonder, what was the first part of the essay written by Emerson"?. The "Self-Relaince" essay is considered to be the second part. So, I wonder what was the first portion.  Lastly, one connection that this piece of writing could have to other readings that was covered in this course, is that it seems to go along with "Civil Disobedience" written by Thoreau. If one wants to study works by famous American Romantic writers, they should pursue the studies of Thoreau and Emerson. These two men, provided the world with writings that could apply to any time period.
Lastly, I feel as though Emerson was an great Romantic writer. He was an intelligent thinker, whose works could be looked back on in the future.


This piece of writing, can be summarized as being about an reflection on life. As part of the poem, Whitman describes celebrating his being, and singing an song to himself. Also, Whitman mentioned that whatever was the essence of him, was the essence that made up another. Whitman mentions the fact, that he lives in the same place, that all of his prior family generations had lived. Also, Whitman mentions the fact that he hopes to remain in good health,until the day that he would cease to be.
One connection, that I had to this piece of work, was that this poem reminded me of another poem that was written by Whitman. The name of the poem is "Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun". This poem described the writer wanting an sun of splendid, bright rays. Also, Whitman mentioned, that he wanted to have ripe fruit to eat and an place were the grass would grow. So while reading this poem, one could sense the connections between the two forms of poetry that he had created.
One question that came to mind, was "I wonder whom was the person, that Whitman was reffering to in the poem"?. He often made references to "I" and I wonder if it was just for the reader or an certain person, that he had in mind.. Lastly, this poetry could be connected to other course readings. Such readings could be either Emerson or Thoreau. This is due to the fact, that all three of these writers had been based during the Romantic Era. While Thoreau and Emerson were more believers of Transcendentalistism, Whitman's writings could reflect more elements of Romantic Realism.
Lastly, I feel as though this poetry was long, but heartfelt. The first time that I read this poem, I thought that it was melancholy. However, I learned upon rereading the poem, that it was rejoicing and celebrating an life. I have never heard of this Romantic Era writer before, so I at first did not know what his writings were like. However, I really enjoyed this poetry by Whitman. I will possibly read more of Whitman's works in the future.


This piece of writing, can be summarized as being about how Thoreau believed in the fact that the government that is better, if it is the least governed. So this shows, how Thoreau had believed that the government should not be so powerful as to dictate the lives of the people. So even though Thoreau believed in there being an government in place, he believed the least the government ruled the better for all.
Thoreau also explained, how if ones allow the government to abuse power, than it will be harder for the people to protest and fight to overthrow the government.
The connection, that I had to this writing, is that it made me think of Gandhi. This is due to the fact, that both men believed in practicing one's beliefs without violence. Gandhi had credited Thoreau with the abolition of slavery in the States. Also, Thoreau's writing appeared to be applicable otowhat the peoples in India were going through.
Also, Gandhi had been an Indian leader that had been impressed by the works of Thoreau. In 1907, he had written an synposis for the opinons of Indians.
One question that came to mind, was "I wonder what Thoreau would have thought of government in America today"?. Also, I wonder what Thoreau would have thought about countries like China and North Korea, were the people live in communism"?. Lastly, this piece of reading could be applied towards other readings that was completed in class. These readings are Emerson's "Self-Reliance". As one reads writings by these two infleuntial thinkers, one cannot help but be able to recognize the similiarities between these two Romantic writers.
Lastly, I feel as though Thoreau provided the way for other Romantic writers. This had been due to the fact, that Thoreau had an sense of wanting to show elements of infleunce and imagination that was an huge part of Romanticism. Thoreau had been labeled as being an Transcendentalism, as well as Ralph Waldo Emerson. I feel as though both thinkers wrre very talented and showed strong ideals about government and society. Thoreau was an huge part of the Romantic movement in America, due to the fact that he seemed to possess an high level moral enthusiasm, an committing to the unraveling of the self and the individual, and an assumption on the fact that the natural world was evil, while the human society was filled with corruption. Also, Thoreau believed in having an emphasis on intuitive perceptions. Lastly, it is important to remember Thoreau in the terms of being an thinker, writer, and poet. Thoreau believed that one should practiced, what they believed in. Thoreau was an person, that believed in many morals.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


This piece of writing, can be summarized as being about the injustices that the blacks had to endure in America. One connection that I had to this reading, is that it reminded me of "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass". This book I had to read, as part of an American History course. This book discussed Frederick's life from childhood to adulthood. It explained, how slaves were often beat senseless for little or no reason at all. Just by masters, whom wanted to prove that they could be able to get away with abusing slaves. Also, the book told about Frederick's many attempts to escape form his master, and having been sepaerated from his family;due to the hands of slavery.
One question that came to mind, was "I wonder if Douglass would have approved of how the world is now"?.  With interracial relationships being allowed to occur, and people being able to live their lives the way they choice to, I wonder how Frederick would have felt if he did not have to be restricted in the time period that he had lived. Lastly, I feel as though this text could be applied towards other readings that was covered in class. These readings are Stowe's "The Tale of Two Altars". This story was an antislavery composition, that was intended for abolitionists to know about the tribualtions that blacks had to endure going through.
Lastly, I feel as though Douglass was an very interesting and historical figure. I feel as though people should take the time out to read more works by Frederick Douglass. Regardless of rather they are required to read his stories or not. Even though this particular piece of writing was long, I feel as though it was very truthful and heartfelt. This piece spoke of the hardships that blacks had to endure, just because of the color of their skin.
In this composition, Frederick mentioned that unjust laws existed in America. He questioned, if people should just be content with things the way they were, or if people should strive to change things that resulted in people being segragated. Frederick noted, that if one would simply wait until someone would allow a change to take place, then an man's life would have already passed him by.
That is why I think that Frederick Douglass was such an great writer and thinker of the Romantic Era in America. This had been due to the fact, that Douglass encouraged ones to be good in an corrupt society.

twain-the war prayer

This piece of writing, can be summarized as being about how there are soldiers that are preparing to enter battle. As described By Twain there was an aura of great excitement as the men were prepared to go off to engage in battle. As demonstrated in one line, "in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism"( This can show that the men felt as though there country was being invaded, and wanted to fight to prove their undying love for their land. Twain goes on to mention that the soldiers parents', wives', and sweethearts were available to wish the soldiers farewell and to show their support for their soldiers and others.
However the following day, there is an Sunday church service dedicated to the soldiers that are preparing to leave for the battlefront. An chapter from the Old Testament was read aloud, and then came the "long prayer". However, before the service ended, an elderly man whom was an stranger to all stepped forward. He claimed that he was coming, to bear an message from God. Even though the man claimed to be an messenger of God, he was viewed by everyone as being an madman. This was due to the fact, that no one could make sense of his spoken words.
One connection that I have to this story, is that it made me think of all the war films, that I have seen in my lifetime. I had an particular memory of the film "Cold Mountain". This film is baded on an book by the same name and is based during the Civil War era. This film chronicled the fighting, that occured between the soldiers on the north and the south side. But mainly, the film focused on the lives of the women, that were left behind to fend for themselves.
One connection, that I had to other readings that was covered in this course, is that this story of course reminded me of "Huck Finn". One could be able to tell, that Twain had written both pieces of writings.
This is due to the fact, that the compositions seemed to reflect an sense of religion in an satricial manner. As in the case of "Huck Finn", he felt as though he had to denounce religion, due to the fact that he was an friend of Jim's. That was due to the fact, that the many Christians in the south felt as though blacks needed to remain as slaves. In Twain's writings, he portrays those that are deeply religious, as being too overzealous. And yet, those that are true Christians are often manipulated, due to their deep faith. In both stories, Twain seems to view both the church and religious people in an satricial sense. As in the case of the elderly stranger that professed to be speaking the very words of God. Instead of the church members taking the words seriously, the man was viewed as being mad. This seems to be typical, of Twain professing his views on the subject matter of religion.
Lastly, one question that I had about this piece of writing by Mark Twain, is that "I wonder who exactly was the man, that claimed to be knowing the words of God"?.  I wonder if the man was truly insane, or if he felt as though he had an actual closer relationship to God.
I felt as though this piece was more easier to read and understand compared to "Huck Finn". I personally feel as though Twain was an very talented writer in early American history. I also feel as though this story can be applied to what is going on in current times. With men having to battle in war since this piece was written, it can be applied to what anyone goes through when they engage in an war. I also found it interesting to note, that Twain had written this composition in response to the Phillipine-American War of 1899-1902. Twain had been an strong opposer, to this war occuring. I also found it interesting to know, that this composition had been rejected by his publisher. The writings were not discovered, until after his death. The "War Prayer" had been found among his other manuscripts that had been unpublished as well.


The piece of writing, can be summarized as being about an unusual family for its time. This is due to the fact, that the husband is black and his wife is an mulatto. This had been the first antislavery story, that Stowe had ever written. The purpose of her writings, had been to generate huamn sympathy about the inhuamne treatment towards blacks during this period of time. This is an sentimental portrayal of an life of an sober, working-class family. The story farther triggers readers' sympathies, due to the fact that at the story's conclusion, the husband is arrested. This is due to the fact, that her husband had been an runaway slave. He is forced, to relocate to the state of Georgia.
 One connection that I had to this writing, is that it reminded me of another story by Stowe. The name of the story is "Uncle Tom's Cabin". This story is very sad and yet truthful. That is due to the fact, that it is about an slave named Tom. Tom had been the son of slaves. However, he is owned by an slave-owner named Mr.Selby. however Mr. Selby is in debt and must result to selling off some of his slaves. However, even though Tom is an good natured person despite his living conditions, Mr. Selby decides to sell Tom. Tom is the son of his wife's favorite slave. When Tom's mother learns of the news, she decides to flee to Canada with her husband and son. However, even though she is able to escape to Canada and is reunited with her husband, her son Tom is still in his master's hands. This is due to the fact, that tom had decided to try not to escape. However, Tom's master is killed in an brawl. This results in him being sold off in an auction. Tom is abused, by an cruel overseeer, in his master's new home. That is due to the fact, that he wants to try to make Tom into an hard and brutal man like himself. However, Tom ends up dying from his abuse. So even though Tom dies and the story for him ended in tragedy, one can read about how his family managed to be reunited with one another in the north.
One question that came to mind, was I wonder "if Stowe based her stories off of personal experiences or not"?. Even if these had been fictional characters, I wonder if Stowe knew about slaves that had endured these same situations or not.
When it comes to other course readings, I feel as though it can be compared to Frederick Douglass' "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July"?. This is due to the fact, that both piece of literatures deal with the factors of racism and submission to those that are viewed to be "superior" to others.
Lastly, I feel as though Stowe wrote an very easy story to understand. However, due to the subject matter, is was often hard to be able to read. I feel as though her works, spoke volumes about what blacks had to endure during the time of slavery. "The Two Altars" is an example of her beliefs concerning antislavery. I found it unsettling, that just over an century ago in America, people were being solded into slavery against their will. These people were often taken from their families and may have never seen their loved ones again. However, it is important to note, that slavery has occured in places all around the world. That Asians and Native Americans have been foced to endure the hands of slavery as well. So the purpose of Stowe's writings, was to allow people to realize the hardships that slaves had to endure, and that slavery should be abolished for all times.


This piece of writing, can be summarized as being about the restrictions that women had to endure, in their everyday lives. One connection that I had to this writing, was that it made me think of all that women had to go through, during the hands of time. From enduring cruelty at the hands of masters, to fighting for the right to vote; there is so much that women of all different ethnic groups, had to endure. One connection to another reading, was that this writing made me think of Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman"?. This speech by Truth was given at an convention and heard by many. This speech by Truth, also had an similiar element to what Stanton was speaking of. She mentioned how severly restricted that both white and black women were in their everyday lives. However, due to the fact that Truth was both black and a female, she took great pains to mention how harsh an life was for women belonging ot this ethnic group. She mentioned how black women were not allowed to pursue even the same occupations thast white women were allowed to have. She mentioned in her speech, how colored women were only allowed to work in housekeeping and was not able to experience the world, the way that whites may have been allowed to. She stressed that this was an means, to be able to restrict black women and to keep them ignorant of the world around them. Truth wanted others to know that by doing so, that black women could never be able to get farther ahead in life, if they were kept back in this manner.

One question that came to mind, was if I could have been able to ask Stanton anything; I would have asked Stanton "what would she have said today, if she could see how far women have progressed worldwide"?. Lastly, I feel as though one connection to other course readings is that this reading by Stanton reminded me of "Incidents in the Life of an Slave Girl" by Jacobs. This is due to the fact that Jacobs was strictly limited in her environment. She had to endure much abuse and racism, because she was an black woman that was living during the time of slavery. She had to endure acts by the hands of her master, that involved being pushed down the stairs and having her children be threathened to be taken away from her. Any act of defiance, could led to her and other African American women being punished strictly. Even though male slaves had to endure hardships, the woman had to endure often stronger tribulations. Such as being often raped by their masters and giving birth to children, that had not been fathered by their husbands. Jacobs was also restricted, in the fact that she was not allowed to read or write. The slaveowners did not want their slaves to have power. This would have occured, if the slaves had been allowed to pursue reading and writing. Still,  Jacobs was able to still find an means for being able to learn how to read and write, despite punishment.