Monday, November 14, 2011

contemporary poetry

This piece of contemporary poetry, was written by famed poet Sylvia Plath. The name of this poem, is called "Wintering". While reading this poem, I could almost practically feel the isolation and coldness of the writer. The link for this poem, can be found at This poem seemed to deal with what little rights and freedom, that women of this time period had. It also allowed the reader, into the mind of her depressive state. While reading this poem, I had connections to other poems by Sylvia Plath. Such poems was called "Daddy" and "Morning Song". In both poems,  she dealt with similiar themes of confusion, anger, and sadness. The poet appears to be living in an world, that she neither feels as though she belongs to and wishes to escape from. I had many questions, concerning this poem. Such questions were, "what did the poet mean, by there being cats in the cellar"? and "why did the poet not feel as though she could breathe, when she was in one room of the house"?
I personally felt as though this poem, could be applied to other poems that were covered in this class. Such works could be "Howl" by Ginsberg. This is due to the fact, that both poems were hard to decipher and interpet. However, I have aways been intrigued by works by Plath, and will most likely read more of her works in the upcoming years. Lastly, this poem could be attempted to be summarized, about an house tenant that is dissastified with her place there in general. The writer mentions "feelings of being owned" and making references to women being "cold and dumb". This could possibly, be how Plath thought that women were viewed by many around the world. Also, Plath mentions feelings of boredom, and knowing that there are three cats in the cellar and six jars of honey in the house. Also, in the poem, there is mention of an midwife. One has to wonder, if this was an reference to the person in the poem, having had an baby. If so, one must wonder if the infant is alive or dead. Also, there is mentionings of an former tenant leaving belongings behind. One must wonder, "who the former tennant was, and were are they now". One can be able to realize, how Plath was most likely feeling when she wrote this poem, due to verses that mentioned darkness and windowless rooms. One can almost sense the restraints that Plath seemed to be living through and feeling at the time. Lastly, when Plath mentioned "comparing bees to women", and "winter being for women", the reader may possibly feel as though Plath is comparing the strong differences between males and females during this period of time. As though she is saying that women are kept to the confines of their home, with little hope for independence. Likewise, men are allowed to roam freely and are not having to face the same restrictions as women.

1 comment:

  1. I learned in class today, about what exactly is poetry. The question that was asked is "Is poetry important?". It was mentioned, how poetry is associated with popular culture nowadays. Many believe that in order to create good poetry, it must be an time-consuming process, with an lot of thought put into the writings. Also, in current times, it is believed that people must be productive. That if they throw together an poetry piece, they are not utilizing time properly. Also, poems are shorter than short stories. Poetry is considered to be an form of self-expression, just like art and music. Lastly, poetry is not often meant to be interpeted, like songs or stories are.
